If you have been thinking about creating your own YouTube Channel, take a few minutes and check out this video which offers some very useful tips and techniques, from the equipment you need to use to the development of a storyboard and script.
Sure as you are most likely aware, you can simply create a selfie type Vlog with your iPhone and post a video in a matter of minutes. However you can lift the quality and value of your content with the adoption of a few simple processes.
Consideration of your equipment which may include the camera you use, microphones and lighting will go a long way to elevating the production value of your videos and in turn result in greater viewer engagement and channel subscribers.
Also the value of a script and or story board can never be underestimated, so it is always better to go into each production with a determined consideration of your topic with is going to involve some lengthy research and investigation.
Finally you will need to consider the editing process and which software you will be using. This can range from the freeware in the form of iMovie to the more sophisticated and capable titles such as Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro CC.